Thursday, November 16, 2006

What it means to be first to own a PS3.

-You will live forever. Alone.

-Arrangements were made to feed your feret.

-You have low-hanging boobs, of male and/or female variety.

-You are last to own a life.

-You are not a fanboy. You are TEH fanboy!

-Waiting in line is about as social as you get.

-You can tell the difference between a Cell processor and your cellulite.

-You’re TiVo’ing Battlestar Galactica.

-You are a non-conformist immune to mass marketing. Pshaw.

-Your friends and family will be getting home-made gifts this holiday season.

-You will say it's awesome, even if the box blows up on the ride home.

-You are Lizard King to Losers everywhere.

-Bragging rights throughout Mordor, Narnia and the moons of Endor.

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